Carer of the Month Award – late announcement for Jan

Live-in Carer special award
Due to unprecedented client responses and the outstanding efforts of our many care workers during January and early February we decided to announce a special Carer of the Month for Live-in this month.
Congratulations to Karen Harris
Normally two care workers work on a rota to support this lady. But when she became very poorly with a virus, Karen took the decision to stay with Dora until she was well again. This protected her opposite care worker, and her family, from any infection and it was such a kind, thoughtful and unselfish thing to do.
Dora normally lives with her elderly friend who is her regular carer but her friend wanted to go on a family visit. So they asked us for help with a respite package of care in Beaminster. Karen stepped up to the mark even though she had just finished her regular client support hours. This meant we could secure a complete package of 20 hours domiciliary to give her friend the time and peace of mind she needed while away with her family.
Don’t forget – we are still taking nominations for your February Carer of the Month
Remember to contact us and let us know your choice.
01308 459204